Stainless steel sculptures

I want to buy one
  • The model

    On this occasion I was inspired by the photograph of this tender elephant. I usually use photographic images or drawings that excite me or with which I connect. I feel a lot of tenderness from this image and I love the way he walks. The detail of his eye.

  • mesh sculpture

    The resulting sculpture is this and it is a sculpture made with pieces of mesh that I model and sew together with metal thread. The sculpture is hollow and yet solid. Its size is 35cm x 21cm high by 13cm wide.

  • Elephant in stainless steel.

    This sculpture is a scale reproduction of the one made in mesh.

    The creation is very laborious and artistic due to the complexity of making the reproduction and generating a sculptural rhythm that reflects the elephant in an authentic way and, above all, that transmits life, tenderness and innocence in addition to a charming personality.

    Its size is more than half a meter high and it is made of marine stainless steel and designed to resist the attacks of the climate and the passage of time.